Friday, June 26, 2020

Latest trends of sunglasses for women in World 2020

Let's face it—nothing wields greater power over your outfit than a pair of sunglasses (or eyeglasses, for that matter). Think about it: If you've settled on the perfect pair that makes a statement but still somehow goes with everything, it will take your look from zero to 100 in an instant. But on the other hand, make the mistake of leaving it at home, and your outfit can never really live its best life. The good news is that your mere moments away from finding your next pair of shades to wear all year long.
The fashion world has spoken, and it's been decided that the following seven eyewear trends will be the most important in 2020. Because even if sunglasses are an afterthought for you, simply updating the pair you grab before leaving the house to a fresher style will go a long way. Which is where we come in.
From classic aviators to oversized granny glasses, we're breaking down the coolest shades on the market. Ahead, shop the trends and see how fashion girls are wearing them.
Get ready because a return to aviator shades is happening this year. The spring runways were flooded with the classic sunglasses, notably at Celine and Michael Kors, where they felt very now. If you never gave up on them and still keep a pair in your rotation, then you're in luck. But if you, like me, paused them until now, we love the below pairs. But really, when it comes to aviators, you can't go wrong with Ray-Ban's timeless version.

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